Thursday, June 15, 2017

Welcome Introduction

Hi, my name is Nat. I've done a lot of stuff like this in the past. Blogs, Facebook pages, YouTube channels. The past was more focused on the retro game community and the hunt of the second hand game. That doesn't really seem to be an issue anymore. Retro gaming seemed to hit a boom and retailers like GameStop jumped on it, buying up inventory of used games and consoles, now selling these on their website at what seems to be somewhat competitive prices. It kind of put me in a rut too. Not all things I do is used equipment and dusty hauls, cleaning secrets, hardware repairs, and bargain hunting. Really, games in general. Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Steam, Nintendo 3DS. All consoles I actively play and buy new games for. Then there's me in my basement, fine tuning the shrine of retro, assembling my consoles, displaying my collection. There is also the part of me making like a mad scientist with my soldering iron (which i generally suck at using) creating, building, modifying. That brings me to here. This blog. Kinda a place where I and any of my friends can escape to for gaming in general.

99 Game Blogs. That doesn't make reference to the amount of games in my collection (to small). That doesn't make foreshadowing to the number of blogs we will post. It actually makes reference to "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." Repetitive, worn, and your last grasp at avoiding boredom. I used this because, to be honest, I stumbled through available URL's to make the blog easy to find and I'm kinda tired of trying to come up with some marketable name or something that could be branded by any means. It came from the thought that this is by far not a revolutionary blog series with innovation and ideas to the subject matter people are hungry to read. Unfortunately, I am none of that... Or maybe that's a fortunate? No, this is more like the Saitama 'One Punch Man' of game blogs. I do it for fun. Not that I annihilate everything I touch... you get the idea. Maybe you don't (check out the manga and/or anime btw). But it's much like, this is something not in short supply. It's just another bottle of Beer on the wall. I wonder what actually playing 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall would be like.... I know from experience the song takes roughly 15 minutes to fully complete from start to finish at a reasonable pace. Expect lots of dumb trivia from me.

In a nut shell, this blog is not uncommon to what else is on the internet. It's just another blog on the wall.

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